Safety is one of the most important aspects of owning a personal or commercial space. Traditional keys and locks have been our first choice for a long time until the emergence of smart locks. There was a time when it was tough to believe you could lock, unlock, and even monitor your home or office space without being physically present. But, with technological advancements, the introduction of smart locks has completely changed the landscape of home and office security.
Have you ever stood in front of your home's main entrance searching frantically for your keys while struggling to hold your groceries? Or have you ever been in a situation where you thought you had a mini heart attack because you couldn't find your home keys? These situations are now history. Smart locks have come to our rescue to make homes and offices as safe as they can get. In this blog, we will explore the emergence of smart locks and how they are a key element in the current, revolutionizing space of home and office security.
Over the centuries, conventional key and lock systems have been at the forefront of home and workspace security. Even now, in most cases, people only rely on this standard method of protection. Nevertheless, as technologies advanced, we were introduced to smart locks and, unquestionably, an increasing number of people are now choosing this new-age safety solution over traditional lock systems. Smart locks are basically innovative devices that facilitate keyless access, better encryption, and remote control. They are the new way of safeguarding your home and business space.
While for many centuries the traditional locks have been the only protection companion of humans, they come with numerous limitations. You can lose your key, it could get stolen and duplicated, and the final result could be a sudden invasion of your home by thieves and robbers. But technology has allowed the invention of electronic locks. It has paved the way for smart locks. They essentially integrate enhanced security with digital convenience. Smart locks are known to function through numerous authentication approaches. Biometric recognition, PIN codes, and smartphone connectivity are some of the most common ways of authenticating a smart lock system. These locks can eradicate the requirement for physical keys and reduce the risks of key misplacement or any sort of unwanted duplication, which is quite regular with traditional locks.
What if there is more authentication to a lock system beyond just a key lock mechanism? That is exactly what smart locks have to offer when it comes to safeguarding your home and office. The facilitation of several layers of authentication is perhaps the biggest advantage of having a smart lock system for your preferred space. Most of the modern smart locks come with the feature of remote access. This is done through a mobile application, which enables a home or office owner to grant guests access to the space. This feature is more relevant in the case of office spaces as it could limit employee access to particular times and days. As a result, this attribute undoubtedly enhances security management.
Most of us have been in a situation where the home bell is ringing, but we don't know who it is until we see through the peephole or actually open the door. But we don't know if it is an intruder or just a guest or family member. However, with smart locks, this would never be the case. With technology features built into the system, smart locks allow owners to monitor the entry and exit of their homes through smartphone integration. The integrated mobile application that allows access to the smart lock system also enables an individual to receive live notifications whenever someone comes within close proximity of their home's premises. In the case of workplaces, this function allows office security to keep track of employee movement. Besides, traditional locks can be easily broken at any time, but with smart locks come cutting-edge encryption that helps evade unlawful hacking attempts. Some of the more modernised smart locks also come with the capability of sending instant notifications whenever an unauthorised attempt is made. This is great for homeowners to remain warned and take necessary actions if at any point robbers or thieves try to get into your space illegally.
With traditional locks, you have to get up every time, pick up the key, and open the lock whenever someone comes to your home. But smart lock systems offer more flexibility and convenience. Gone are those days when you have to hand over your home keys to friends staying over in your absence. Smart locks provide temporary access codes that can be given to the friend staying over, and with them, they can come and go anytime they want without compromising security. This temporary code can be issued and withdrawn as required. This element of smart locks is also great for business spaces to allow employee access for particular hours.
It is also important to know that technological advancement now also allows smart locks to be integrated with other smart devices, including CCTV cameras, voice assistant devices, and different alarm systems. One can easily lock and unlock their home's or office's smart lock with voice commands. You can also automate the security characteristics as per your daily routine. A very common disappointment of individuals with conventional locks is getting locked out because of key misplacement. Smart locks entirely eliminate this problem. Without any physical key, one can get in or get out of their home space whenever they want with ease through app-based unlocking or biometric scanning.
Although there are several benefits to having a smart lock system for your home or business, some people are still sceptical about the dependability and vulnerability factors of a smart lock. This is mainly due to the rising cyber security threats. However, the manufacturers of smart lock systems have now come up with enhanced measures to offer better security. In current times, most smart locks employ bank-grade encryption methods to prevent any sort of hacking. Besides, software updates at specific intervals make sure that the system remains updated with enhanced security elements to shield it against evolving cyber threats. People have also been concerned about what happens when there is a power outage or the Wi-Fi connection is not stable. Since smart lock systems come with a battery backup mechanism, they remain operational throughout any such power or internet issues. Finally, it is essential to mention that the multi-factor authentication trait of smart locks makes them extremely safe. MFA enables an additional layer of security to keep your home highly safe.
Home security has been revolutionised to a large extent since the invention of smart locks. In the coming years, more and more people will be using smart lock systems to give their home and business spaces more security features. With more advancements in technology, smart locks will surely remain a favourite for home or business owners until the next revolutionary locking system emerges.